
being sick is the worst

but movie marathons, making a bed on the couch and eating too many popsicles pretty much rules..SICK DAY! Too bad I am not faking that would be even better.


today is gonna be a good one..

all about cheering up a close friend of mine
bartending a private party...
post office run
getting my hair did
oh and the cinnamon toast crunch i just ate..
soo good.


that's a handsome man

just sayin'

let's run away together...

today is a good day for you and i to be far away from the world....


white party and new hair...

yes i am attending a white party tonight and no it's not hosted by P. Diddy.
oh and i pulled the trigger on my hair.


should i?

i am deciding on this hair....anyone back back it?


R.I.P. Stanley

we had some good times...but he's gone. sad face for sure.

i love

1.days when i make an obscene amount of money at work.
2. that i am making a big dinner for all of my friends tonight.
3. that distance doesn't even matter...it's still fun.
4. that tonight i will sleep so good.
5. oh and when jet li misses me so much he follows me everywhere.


crazy love

This movie is just fucking bonkers! I did enjoy it. Wow love a girl so much you blind her...then marry her years later?
that's just what they called it crazy love! good think she can't see his ugly ass...
and she chain smokes cigarettes that are a mile long.

i have decided to cyber beg for money. that'a all.

another day another dollar...

so i need to save a metric fuckton of money....
i need some ideas.
maybe some side jobs?
fuck i don't know.
anyone need thier hair did?

on a more uplifting note i bought some leather shorts..that's right i said leather.
makes me look forward to those hot summer nights.
cross stitchin party tonight.


My new Smith Corona.

I am getting a new roomie at the start of the new month so i really had to jam pack my room with everything..is this silly? i love my shoes.


He makes me smile too.
Hi Andy. *waves like Paul from The Wonder Years opening credits*

sometimes you just get it....

i think sometimes in life you just need to leave logic out of it and go with your gut..by golly i think i will.

this is whats making me smile right now.

who the fuck wants to roll down a hill with me?

a simple list of new shit

here are some things i will be keeping my mind on...

1. my promotion at work/saving those dolla bills
2. taking a ballet class
3. Fucking cross stiching my little heart out..guess what you are getting for christmas??
4. ghost hunting
5. cooking big dinners every sunday night.
6. otis redding records
7. being attached to texting
8. NY


looking forward...

i had to move on..i am looking forward..never looking back.

i am looking forward to wednesday.

i am looking forward to summer.

i am looking forward to being myself again.