
Top 5-ish

I am not going to laminate it or anything buuut this is a topic of conversation that comes up between Mags, Ang and I pretty much everytime we hang out. There are 6 fellows here..but Bill Murray doesn't really count because not physically attractive however has a shining personality. Thats what really counts, right ladies? I am rambling..RYAN GOSLING wins by far. Doyle goes in for obvious reasons. Christian Bale in American Phsyco..come on! Who wouldn't? I do not have a thing for Nazis, just guys who play them. I think i have a thing for tall slim guys with shaved heads. Thats all for now.
p.s. this is what your life comes to when all you do is work, sit @ home and save money.


noirohio vintage said...

that last picture of doyle is fucking HILARIOUS.

Tamonster said...
